Submit a poster > Instructions to the authors
Scientific posters may be presented during coffee break and lunch. The call for communications focuses on scientific works/research allowing/that allows :
- To describe the effects of physical activity and nutrition to prevent and treat the development of chronic diseases (cancer, metabolic diseases)
- To understand biological and molecular mechanisms promoting or inhibiting the development of cancer in interaction or not with physical activity and/or nutrition
Communications presenting examples of cancer patients care by physical acitvity are also welcomed (for physician, physical activity supervisors, physiotherapists...)
Instructions to the authors
- Accepted communications will be presented in poster format during coffee break and lunch
- Only abstract submitted online will be accepted
- Abstract can be submitted in french or english
- Abstract should include title, author names and affiliations
- The text should not exceed 300 words
- The communication will be validated only after the registration of the first author
- The deadline for submission is the 14th October 2019